Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Embryo Car Concept

Eco-car lovers just cannot get enough of car concepts that promise to burn cleaner fuels and give off lesser emissions. And joining the ranks of the many prestigious eco-friendly cars is the Concept Car Embryo which looks at giving drivers the option of having a fuel cell-powered engine with hydrogen fuel and an ecological body constructed out of recyclable aluminum and interiors done in silicon materials. Designed to optimize driver-comfort, the Embryo looks and partly functions like an organism with intuitive back suspensions offering the best seating position. The exterior is lined with a soft material and the interiors have a protective layer to absorb impact in case of a collision while an advanced safety system communicates speed, distance, etc. to the drivers and if necessary, even operates on auto pilot to avoid accidents. Now that is a smart car.
Embryo Car Concept


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